Stefano Devoti (IT)

Rain Mill

devoti rain mill goenner 01722 web

Stefano Devoti (IT)

Rain Mill

devoti rain mill goenner 01722 web


I had started my art practice in painting studios then I trained myself in stone quarries, metals and foundry, printing, wood tecniques and at the Scuola Libera del Nudo, Venice Fine Arts Academy. My attention is focused on the dimension of the threshold, on the border areas marked by the different phases of the artistic action: I use a strong interdisciplinary approach to compare the key moments of the creative process. Working outdoor I’m particularly focused on the human experiences that have crossed the land, seeking the thread of the perpetual dialogue between man and nature. I experiment on papermaking, particularly by bamboo from the raw material to paper or any possible expression. I’m member of ALI, Free Engravers Association working mostly with woodcut. I had a screen printing apprenticeship at Fallani Venezia Studio.